What could you gain by exploring the depths of your soul and understanding your purpose in the worldwide revolution?

The unexamined life is

not worth living. -Socrates

To embark upon soul navigation amidst a worldwide revolution, one must readily harmonize the pursuit of purpose, resilience, transformation, responsibility, and meaningful connections.

With the utmost care, we guide our clients toward an evolving path, empowering them to embrace change and prioritize their soul's calling.

What revelations of abundance will you distill from the collective wisdom of the revolutionaries we've mentored?

Image illustrating the benefits of working with a Soul Navigator, emphasizing personal growth, spiritual guidance, and transformative experiences. Highlights themes of self-discovery, inner peace, and holistic well-being.

Life Coach VS

Soul Navigator

Over recent decades, life coaching has boomed in popularity with its emphasis grounded in principles of personal development, empowerment, and achievement. Coaches often work with clients to cultivate self-awareness, confidence, and resilience, enabling them to take proactive steps toward their goals. However, life coaching remains limited in its ability to explore a broader array of layers beneath the surface.

Soul navigation, on the other hand, takes a more holistic, technical, and intuitive approach, rooted in the belief that each individual has a unique soul purpose and innate wisdom that can guide their life's path. Soul navigators view personal growth and spiritual awakening as interconnected processes, helping clients navigate the complexities of life while honoring their soul's specific journey and evolution.

Typically, soul navigation incorporates various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and psychology techniques, in addition to energy healing, spiritual inquiry, astrology, shamanism, and philosophical counseling among others. While each soul navigator has their own style and skills, at the root lays deep care to facilitate transformational shifts in consciousness, while in parallel, offering life changing insights into the fundamental nature of existence and its relations to the current challenges of our time period.


With Vesuvius


"The shift is obvious, and I know that it's because you're healing me, organizing me...that f**king gift is so delicious!" -Starlite


"He has a unique ability to connect deeply and offer guidance that resonates on a profound level, bringing my soul to life in ways I never imagined" -Aaliyah

"Throughout the time that I knew Vesuvius, he provided me with a very safe sense of connection with my somatic self. He helped me understand my spiritual needs and how to open myself to new paths within, through which I might better process my wounds and be connected to my innermost truth. Truly, I was given some of the best tools with which to build my future. I am eternally grateful for his capacity and compassion for human c1 Columnonnection and genuine truth." -Dorothy Anne

"The ability to connect with a professional whose sole job is to pull out your deepest desires has been beyond helpful. Getting the help to put them into words you can work with is a game changer for finding your path and purpose." -Tyler Hubbell

"I've done soul navigation with Vesuvius and he really does understand you and get you to understand yourself. I'm currently going through the Fearless Mind Map he put together for me and it really does make you stop and think. Recently, I have come to a crossroads in my life and came across his page. His videos and cause resonate with me so I reached out. I was able to get sessions for 5 weeks with him and he offers so much insight. If you are looking for spiritual guidance and someone who has a genuinely kind soul then please don't be afraid to reach out. I'm glad I did. I'm wishing you and Starlite only the best in this journey to making the world a better place. <3 Thank you for being a light! -Marie Delapaz


With Starlite

Visionary Empress

Starlite is amazing! I had a HUGE breakthrough after just one 2 hr session! She is so patient, kind, and understanding. Her depth of knowledge surrounding spirituality, the occult, astrology, and human design is unmatched! I will definitely be recommending Starlite anytime someone is looking for spiritual guidance and support! So grateful for her! Thank you 🙏🏻 🥳️ -Visionary Empress

Book a session ASAP! You will be so glad you did! I had been feeling so lost and confused about where I was “supposed to be” on my journey and after a session with Starlite, I feel like I have so much clarity and a higher perspective on my path. Her astrological knowledge is extensive and has the capacity to make your entire life feel like it makes sense. What could be better than that?! Thank you again, so much, Starlite!" -Jessica H

I recently had a beautiful, transformational session with Starlite. She was super clear and straightforward to what I really need to understand about my birth charts, human design charts, and more. This is actually what I need at the moment. She helped me to understand the tools that are right in front of me and to understand all the information. Starlite was very clear and spoke in words of kindness, truth, and non judgement. If you're looking for clarity, understanding, wisdom, and some guidance with love, I highly recommend my sister Starlite." -Erika Villegas

"I booked a session with no expectations and was beyond impressed. I had never heard of human design before and she was able to explain it all in a way that was very digestible, absolutely accurate and very insightful. I learned a few new things about myself, remembered some things I had forgotten and she helped me think of new ways to apply all of this knowledge in a practical way in my life. she was very thorough and made sure I was understanding everything as we went along and then did a very helpful summary at the end to tie it all together. highly recommend!" -Shaunna

"I really enjoyed my session with Starlite. She is clearly knowledgeable about both human design and astrology, and is not shy to re-explain concepts in a new way when I get confused! I think she's a great resource for information and a secondary perspective on the immensity that is astrology/ human design/ human experience! I feel like she offered me a new framework to explore myself through :)" -River

"To start, Starlight is probably the most relatable esoteric I’ve met this lifetime. Of course we had an impromptu session on Tiktok, nevertheless it was extremely helpful to me in terms of getting to the nuts and bolts of my power and that I am much more powerful than I think. We dove further into my shadow self , which caught me a bit off guard in the sense that I’d grown to accept that it was simply who I am. Starlight was very gentle yet firm with her approach. I can’t say this enough, highly relatable. As a POC, I’m usually pretty skeptical of non POC esoterics. However, through observing her and the way she handled me, and I can be a lot at times. She was very generous, I definitely felt like there was a divine intervention occurring in my life on TikTok. " - Brent Green

Peaceful and empowered, is how I still feel after my “Soul Navigation” reading with Starlite yesterday. My time and energy invested in Starlite’s wisdom and channeling reinforced for me that I am indeed right on time AND on the right path!

As a healer and esoteric guide myself it was wonderful to connect with another Soul Guide to refine and purify my vision and goals at this juncture of my life's flow. Starlite, thank you for your beautiful smile and wonderful and real-world suggestions!

I certainly recommend anyone seeking clarity, affirmation, fresh ideas and or reassurance to schedule time with Starlite! Her heart is open which means her channel is clear and responsible! Very very cool and beautiful indeed!

Blessings galore Soul Fam! -HarmonicWavelets

"I have had a session with Starlite and I absolutely recommend anyone else does too! It’s really accurate and she genuinely cares about you and what your chart says. It also reaffirmed a lot of thoughts I have had about different things. She’s one of the few people out there who is actually the real deal, she won’t give you halfway answers, she truly goes in depth. She was so interested and good at explaining everything and spent a few more minutes with me after to answer any questions and tie everything in together.

Many readers will read your chart but not really help you mix it all together and you could be left wondering, well how do I even apply this to my life?? She definitely makes sure you understand and answer that question. She brings it all together and explains it in detail so you actually know what to do with the information she’s giving you. 100% worth it, if you’re considering booking with her my answer to you is DO IT you seriously won’t regret it. :)" -Emily

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a soul navigation reading with Starlite, and it was nothing short of incredible. As a Manifesting Generator, I was curious about how my Human Design could guide me, especially with my ambitious plans for a sustainable transitional housing project for single moms and kids. Starlite's reading provided profound insights and clarity that I desperately needed.

Starlite and I bonded over our shared visions for the future, particularly around creating supportive and sustainable communities. Her insights made me feel seen and understood, reinforcing my dedication to my soul path.

Throughout the session, her wisdom shone through. She possesses a rare combination of intelligence, softness, and a depth of understanding that is truly wise beyond measure. Her ability to explain complex concepts in an accessible and compassionate way brought so much validation and assurance to my journey. I left the reading feeling empowered and aligned, ready to embrace my path with renewed confidence.

The value I received from this reading is immeasurable. It has not only provided clarity on my next steps but has also affirmed that my soul's mission, beautifully reflected in my Human Design placements. This reading has given me a solid foundation to continue building the future I envision.

Thank you, for your incredible guidance and wisdom. Your reading has been a beacon of light on my path, and I am deeply grateful for the experience." -T F