Image of an eco-village on an island, showcasing sustainable living, organic farming, and community harmony surrounded by natural beauty. Highlights eco-friendly architecture, renewable energy, and a self-sufficient lifestyle.

The Strategy

July 20, 20243 min read

The Strategy

Homesteading Dream Life
  1. Understand the foundation of solving all problems. Elevating perspective and understandings. You can't have revolution without "evolution."

  2. How to properly "evolve?" It's as all the sages have always stated, say YES to yourself. This is coming closer to life in the way you best understand it, for that gives vitality. In essence, spirituality in your own understanding.

  3. This causes you to place boundaries and say screw off to the system that is actively enslaving you and the populace. People will quit paying taxes, declare true sovereignty, and begin embodying other practices that remove them from feeding the military-industrial complex.

  4. A group of fair minded individuals (Save The World Tribe) get together to form resources in tandem with an app that offers incentivized gamification of promoting a 'counter-culture' of revolution, emphasizing the importance of:

    1. Allowing free speech (minus things such as the obvious, death threats, pedophilia, and terrorist declarations.)

    2. Becoming sovereign and building the necessary infrastructure that supports human life instead of exploiting it. (See 6.)

    3. We are not the resistance, we are those transcending all limiting paradigms. Thousands of technologies are being suppressed that could make our reality a living heaven. If we highlight such on an app, we can then unlock said technologies, grow the righteous indignation of what has been stolen from us and then...

  5. Demand spiritual justice for the crimes committed against humanity. This is a blanket for all the mega-corporations and 3 letter agencies who are using and abusing humans as slaves. Within doing so, there is potential for reclaiming our stolen assets, thus assisting the development of our suppressed technologies. Truly, in only a decade this could begin to fully restructure all of civilization as we know it. The past 5 years proved to anyone with an ounce of awareness that all our governments have been corrupted.

  6. Continuing to build upon this culture, we begin to develop our own eco-villages and small intentional based communities that are manageable and can endure the swaths of tools tyranny has at its disposable. Realistically, countering all forms of corruption will cause the "snake" to bite back, meaning, we need support structures that can literally feed us and provide fellows to lean upon one another. Moreover, it's not out of discussion that the tyrants might try to pull some crazy eugenic stunt or other man made horrors in a last ditch effort to distract us from achieving revolution. One evidence being, their main motto of Ordo Ab Chao, Latin for Order Out of Chaos. Verily, in such a manner, even if a large part of the population gets targeted for devastation, the core "revolutionaries" would still have a great chance.

Interesting take, but how did you come up with this, Vesuvius?

My life work has been studying the past 12,000 years of human history to understand how to achieve genuine revolution for all. I've spent the last twenty years preparing for exactly what is going on right now, for my dream is to help create a world civilization where you can freely chase your dreams.

How To Save The World Part 1How To Save The World Part 2

We at Save The World Tribe are actively looking to network with people who seek change. It is all a manner of if we wish to be the change we wish to see in the world. The clock is ticking. Do you want to live your best life? Feel free to reach out, we have solutions, we just need the manpower.


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