Image depicting the YES2U movement and spirituality, featuring individuals embracing personal empowerment and spiritual growth. Highlights themes of self-discovery, inner strength, and the journey towards a fulfilling and awakened life.

Why Say #YES2U?

July 20, 20242 min read

Why Say #YES2U?


Let's get raw! Life can be tough. Society is failing at providing real avenues of opportunity to live a simple healthy life for most, but it doesn't have to be this way. There is a great adventure for us to behold. ​What then should we do with the troubles of our time if we wish to go beyond them and prosper? We have two main options:

1. We give up; we accept a subpar existence never having truly lived because we let the system beat us.

​2. We learn to search deep inside ourselves. We strive to bring forth and work with both our light and darkness. We discover who we truly are so that we may pursue our wildest dreams. We develop a deep intimacy within ourselves to the point that we learn to fully connect with life; we once again become the hero of our own journey and say YES to ourselves!

In short, saying #YES2U is reclaiming your humanity, which actually ends up making not only your life better, but those around you, and in the large scheme of things, helps to nurture life and even save the world. Saving the world by honoring yourself seems like a stretch, right?

Well, saying YES to yourself is to awaken, to reignite your spirit, honor your soul, and to finally be able to experience your potential and where you really belong in life. In this manner, as we stay true to ourselves we reclaim our vitality, our raw passion to enjoy life. As a result, this contagious pure energy radiates outward and inspires humanity to have hope and take creative action. This means that as we change ourselves we change the world. You can think of it like this, every movement starts with the individual empowering themselves to then fill up their well, so they can then give to others.


​In essence, this process is becoming a beacon of passion, for as we shine, it gives others permission to shine. In effect, one thing will lead to another and humanity as a whole will be cocreating a beautiful world together where nobody has to needlessly suffer and everyone can chase their dreams. This is one key factor in how we can say YES to ourselves.

What are you waiting for? The world is in your hands. Isn't it about time to say #YES2U?

Nature Beauty

Every day we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. -Buddha

We at Save The World Tribe are actively looking to network with people who seek change. It is all a manner of if we wish to be the change we wish to see in the world. The clock is ticking. Do you want to live your best life? Feel free to reach out, we have solutions, we just need the manpower.


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